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Scotland’s Print Industry Proves Itself Amidst the Pandemic

Experts within Scotland’s print sector have voiced concerns that the industry has been underappreciated during the UK’s lockdown, arguing that more recognition is needed for printing as an essential service.

Print Scotland’s Garry Richmond commented, “Not enough credit has been given to printers over the course of this outbreak, because the stark fact is that nothing would be functioning without print.

“There would have been no food in the shops because everything sold in the supermarkets needs packaging, branding and labelling provided by printers. The NHS has needed forms, documents and notices about safe working practices. The list could go on.”

According to Print Scotland, the sector has operated at approximately 25% to 35% capacity during the lockdown – and figures are similar across Europe.

And Print Scotland, which provides support and guidance to print organisations, remains optimistic about the industry’s ability to recover, with Richmond commenting, “It might take until the end of the year before we are back to running at a more normal 85% to 95% capacity but, as the easing progresses, more and more firms are readying themselves for a resumption of business.

“It is probably inevitable that there will be some job losses, but the industry is determined to do everything possible to keep them to a minimum.”

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