3 Statistics That Prove Retail Signage Matters
The point-of-sale and related signage in a brick-and-mortar retail store makes a difference – and these statistics prove it. While many brands are focusing on making their mark digitally, there’s something to be said for revamping, improving or redesigning your in-store signage too.
Studies and surveys have shown time and time again how important retail signage is – here’s three of the most revealing statistics.
In fact, online spending on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year, exceeded Adobe Analytics’ expectations by 2.3%.
8 in 10 customers have entered a store based purely on its signage (FedEx)
According to a survey by FedEx, the vast majority of customers have decided to enter a store based purely on liking its signage. But that’s not all: according to the same survey, 50% of consumers say poor signage made them not want to enter a store at all.
60% of businesses say changing their signage has positively affected sales (FedEx)
Revamping or designing your signage can be for the better. Over half of the businesses asked in a FedEx survey said that making changes to store signage correlated with a growth in sales.
38% of large companies say branding is the most important part of signage (UC)
While small and mid-sized businesses say signage is vital for making sure customers can find and identify their stores, large companies with multiple locations said that coherent and cohesive branding is the key to effective signage.
Does your signage deserve a redesign? Are you planning a seasonal revamp? Get in touch with our signage design, production and delivery experts to get started.